Sunday, December 01, 2019

Battle at the Beach Plus Barbell Fun

So the holiday cheer still likes to bite me in the rear, but I had a wonderful time, courtesy of some persuasion from my friends S. Tozzo, D. Tozzo, and of course, T. Harris.  I also got to watch my mentor, J. Philyaw, move with unusual grace and precision as well as make a beautiful recovery from what could have easily been critical fumbles.

Missing in the picture: A. Gray-Baker, who would have completed the Four Horsewomen, if she had been able to join us on this adventure.  Still, though, the combination of T. Harris and S. Tozzo (owner of CrossFit Zoo) still made for an exciting day for everyone around us!

Two of the three members of Team Slaughtermelons (Coach I. Ramirez and Tamara) plus my mentor and leader of the boys we sent to represent the CrossFit Iron Legion Wolf Pack, J. Philyaw. And then there's the judge who barked orders at several teams throughout the day, including a team that spoke limited English. 

And then today, I went right back to my Olympic weightlifting drills.  I have been mostly out of commission on actual knee flexion courtesy of my scrapes, so I decided to focus more on movement patterns before I went back to putting speed back in.  I still have a lot of difficulty with a tendency to "row" the bar in as well as remembering to get my knees back under the bar once the bar passes my knees and remembering to get my chest up, squeeze my momentum directly upwards, and keeping the bar nice and close.

And then there were the light snatch pulls followed by a snatch... The idea behind this drill was to get used to doing the entire high pull and remember to be patient before exploding into my second pull, which begins at the "pockets" as well as reinforcing those positions and timings on an actual snatch.  I'm still NOT quite there, but given that I haven't really done this in nearly two weeks, I have a lot of work to catch up on.

And then there's the gratuitous "I didn't burn to a crisp yesterday, and I feel great!" shots after my workout.  For some reason, folks were in an unusual hurry to leave despite it being Sunday and a day to get training in...

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