Saturday, December 14, 2019

Reindeer Rumble 2019: 4/n, Strict Press Media WOD 3.. Plus Odds and Ends

WOD 3 was the ultimate groaner for both me and Larry because it involved running through the woods with awkward items including Atlas stones, kettlebells, weight plates, and partner.  I chose Atlas stones and weight plates because he sure as heck didn't want the little Hobbit to carry a normal sized human being even if I did warn him that on a full stomach, I weigh in at a full 145 lbs.

And then there were a few other adventures since these pictures came into existence as well... including an epic chess game that resulted in the defeat of my little apprentice while I was attempting to focus on my lifts. I'm hoping to eventually have a duel of wits against my mentor (Coach J), but we shall see...

And then there was the Yuletide Celebration at CrossFit Iron Legion, where even the Grey Wolf had to masquerade as a swan... or a peacock.  More photography will be coming once I. Ramirez of Valkyrie Photography gets a chance to process all the pictures she took. 

Team MisFits, helmed by Coach T. Zapata, for the win in the intramural CrossFit Open 20.x!  We got the skull!

And here I am with Coach T, who is a gymnastics prodigy, even if he and I don't always function on the same wavelength on technical details!

And here's S, who (along with the Alpha Wolf clan) helped convince me to come to this event so we wouldn't be the only people who struggle with being human!  Missing, though, were the other three Muskateers along with my musical mentor. Then again, this was a huge stretch for me, and I was glad I took that chance!

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