Sunday, December 08, 2019

Reindeer Rumble 2019, 1/n

It all started with a friend of mine messaging me asking me if I had any plans for December 7.  I told her I was thinking of volunteering for Reindeer Rumble. Fast forward half an hour later. I am now competing in scaled co-ed. 

Here we are at our preliminary strategic planning meeting at CrossFit Zoo... nothing fancy, just figuring out what we're doing or not doing during the competition.

And then, here are the various cell phone pictures from the actual Reindeer Rumble itself, including the latter part of WOD 1, which was basically 6 minutes for one partner to find a single rep maximum of squat clean and the other partner to find a single rep shoulder-to-overhead maximum.  I ate the squat cleans, but Larry did a great job in salvaging us on the shoulder-to-overhead when I couldn't quite clean the 115 lbs.  Besides my friends Amy and Tracy screaming to me what I knew I needed to do, I could hear Jason's voice in my head echoing throughout with the following cues: "weight back", "hips high", "tension throughout", and "chest up"... along with where he's had to poke/prod me to activate various things. 

WOD 2 was a hodge-podge of one minute rounds of the following: passing a 10 lb ball back and forth through a yoke, 14 lb wall balls, 35/20 lb single arm DB snatches, 35/25 lb KB swings, synchronized and alternating 45/35 lb thrusters, and a simultaneous maximum calorie assault bike / rower.  Suffice to say, WOD 2 was rather entertaining, especially with neither of us being particularly proficient in wall balls...

And then... there was WOD 3, which was 4 rounds for time with an 8 minute time cap of: Atlas stone carry for 25 meters, KB carry for 50 meters, plate carry for 75 meters, and partner carry for 100 meters. Suffice to say, it was buggery on a stick with the Atlas stone and partner carry.  The plate was by far the easiest item, especially when I ran with it overhead.  Massive thanks to April for getting some amazing pictures of me and Larry (her husband) in the competition!

And then there were the friends I got to see and/or hang out with...

And then... all the gratuitous shots I took for my buddies :)

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