Tuesday, December 24, 2019

New Barbell Program

So I'm still reeling a bit at not having Coach J around, but he's given me the tools to at least help me get by until I can get my schedule back and see how well I work with Coach V.  Whenever I do my lifts, I keep hearing Coach J's cues in my head as well as recalling all those times he's poked and prodded me.  All I can say is that I have been spoiled pretty badly!

First was the three position snatch... I have a tendency to not always remember to engage my lats and glutes upon setup as well as sending my balance a little too far forward because I have a tendency to have a more forward balance than most.  By engaging my lats and glutes, I can maintain better connection throughout the lift, increasing my probability of a controlled squeeze up and facilitating my ability to pull myself under the bar.  Granted, I still catch VERY high, and it seems like I'm having some trouble transitioning at my knees.  I did remember the "chest up" cue though! So far, that seems to have been my best verbal cue, although I still have some form of asynchrony between my glutes, legs, and shoulders. 

And then there were the snatch grip push presses with overhead squats.  I'm pretty comfortable doing overhead squats and need to mostly remember to keep my balance a little further back than I usually tend to keep it so I don't lurch forward and to remember to keep pushing my knees outwards.  For the push presses, I have to generally remember a smooth dip and a more powerful drive as well as NOT to do a push jerk or snatch balance. 

The snatch pulls are where I tend to be very hit or miss.  Basically I need to remember my starting position and balance as well as to engage my lats and glutes while keeping arms and shoulders relatively relaxed so I don't row the barbell in once I get above my knees.  I also have a tendency to disconnect my posterior chain and need to focus on squeezing upwards in a smooth, controlled motion. 

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