Saturday, January 14, 2006

January Update

Basically, I'm still plugging away at my usual academic business (thesis, grad apps, classes, etc) and trying to get in everything else as much as I can. Done with all but one application for grad school which is within sending range once I'm happy with the last bit of punctuation and phrasing but now I've got all the financial aid and grant stuff to worry about.

Still moving very slowly, if at all on side-Project Argonium, which has now shifted to include my writing. My ideas in general have changed for Side-Project Argonium. Just for the hell of it, I feel like writing a bit of an overarching statement of purpose for Side-Project Argonium: I seek to sweep my readers and listeners away from the daily grind of reality into a world of fantasy and to immerse the surroundings with the power and beauty of the three musics. Whether Argonium is engaged in song or story, I hope to invoke engaging images and thoughts. I'll have to ponder over this a lot more, but hey, it's a start. I'm hoping to get some writing out soon now that I'm down to the classes I've been trying to avoid in the vain hope that they'll no longer be required by the time the time arrives for me to take them. I've got some geek-tales and light-hearted adventures in my mind right now, but let's see what really comes out.

As for my archery, I haven't been shooting anywhere as much as I'd like, but then again, I don't think I could shoot enough until my arms are hurting and I can't draw my bow anymore. As much of an academic geek as I am, I don't think I could ever just be indoors all the time... I already miss being at the range, being in the forest, and most of all, the coastal redwood forests near those rocky beaches that always remind me of how powerful and beautiful nature is.

Enough rambling. Time for me to go back to my awful genetics lab assignments.