Saturday, October 26, 2019

Halloween Party and CrossFit Open 20.3

I hope to Rx at least one more WOD this season in the CrossFit Open. Whether or not it happens remains to be seen, but 20.3 was one I definitely scaled because I wanted to actually do the entire workout and see just how much progress I had made since February or March of 2018.  So CrossFit Open was a repeat of 18.3, which was as follows for scaled: 21-15-9 reps of 95 lb deadlifts and hand-release push-ups followed by 21-15-9 reps of 135 lb deadlifts with a 50 foot bear crawl in between. This is FAR better than the 155 and 205 lb deadlifts and the handstand push-ups and handstand walks in Rx.  All of this work is under a time-cap of 9 minutes.

I had a plan, and I stuck with it, which included pre-hydrating and taking a bit of First Phorm Project 1 and Ignition, doing the warmup prior to the WOD, and going into the WOD with my glasses off because I know I lost a lot of time in 2018 fumbling with my glasses on the hand-release push-ups and bear crawls, plus I notice I focus significantly better when I can barely see. Also, I had designated pausing points during the WOD, such as the transition from my final hand-release push-up to the 135 lb barbell and quick sips of water between sets of the heavier deadlifts.  I was able to do 95 lbs unbroken without any issues, and I knew I could do 135 lbs unbroken... somewhat. I chose to break the round of 21 into sets of 7, round of 15 into sets of 5, and the round of 9 into a set of 5 and a set of 4.  The result? Completing the entire WOD in 6:30!

And then there was the Halloween party that followed.  I decided to test out my potential medieval garb and dress up as an elven archer, complete with Xibalba in hand.

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