Monday, October 28, 2019

CrossFit Iron Legion Halloween Party 2019, Valkyrie Photography Style Plus A Few Snatch Complexes

I had a little too much fun with I. Ramirez of Valkyrie Photography and my fellow CrossFit athletes after scaling 20.3 and completing it in 6:30 minutes.

Nothing like being among fellow CrossFit athletes on Halloween for a good grin!

And then there was barbell class, where I was working on snatches, primarily focusing on the high pull and power snatches, although I also had some fun with overhead squats.  I'm also looking forward to the analysis from Coach J in the morning as well as corrective drills to help me strengthen my position and timing.  Did I mention that I look up to Coach J quite a bit, especially with how he's able to actually give me good cues I can actually remember and utilize, as well as being a bit of a mentor figure despite being slightly younger than me?

I still struggle with NOT pulling the barbell during the second half of the first pull, although it's gotten a bit better with me starting with a wider initial stance combined with pulling my knees out of the way faster.  The next challenge is to get me to drop at more than one depth and actually be able to control it.  I do know it is a function of how high I actually pull the bar, although it's not the most linear of functions.

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