Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Or if you want the higher quality pictures, go here:

New Years' Eve was a real blast although my camera and all 3 spare sets of batteries decided to take the night off on me. I still got off a few good shots of the wickerman, affectionately known as Treebeard. I was a bit disappointed that nobody put a sock or similar object somewhere inappropriate, but probably for the better given the large number of small children at the party. Last year, someone decided to stick something both in front and in the back, providing Treebeard with a nice... tail... and something else best left to the imagination. This year Treebeard was a lot smaller because my friend is having a really nifty house being built where the party normally would take place. There was also plenty of awesome food, including a hog someone shot, deep fried (domesticated) turkeys, and some really, really good chili. There was also the usual assortment of sweet things, including some red bean jelly candy and seaweed biscuits my hunting mentor and I contributed to add a touch of the exotic.

Maybe next year I can get some better pictures of Treebeard ;)

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