Monday, February 03, 2020

Snatch Progress

So I've had several excellent insights, particularly from a high school student who usually keeps to himself along with Coach J and even Coach V, on how to improve my lifts.  One of the biggest changes in my form has been moving my weight distribution further towards the middle of my feet because I tend to be VERY front-footed.  Coach J and the high school student both gave me some excellent pointers on positioning so I can maintain better balance and upward drive, while Coach V gave me the simple idea of initiating my lifts faster because I'm sometimes a little too slow and deliberate.

Below is a snatch pull plus two below knee hang snatches. I'm still working on dropping under the bar faster, but I'm having much more upward drive as well as much less of the lurching forward or dancing around I typically do.

Below here is my snatch grip push presses followed by two paused overhead squats.  These are pretty much my "comfortable" postions, and we're working on making sure they remain extremely comfortable and stable for me.

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