Saturday, February 08, 2020

Cleans and Outdoor Prep

So I'm one of those athletes who has two sports that are especially near and dear: Olympic weightlifting and target archery.

This was a heavy clean single at 110 lbs. I still have a tendency to "row" the bar in, but I think it may be more from the cue to "pull the bar in". Coach J has recommended that I try to focus more on keeping a straight bar path to try and address this.  One thing that has helped with my lifts in general is Coach V pushing me to initiate my lifts a little more aggressively and start faster. 

Then there was the run - mostly to help mitigate the levels of insanity I deal with among humans when I can't either lift or shoot.

And then there's archery... Today was getting ready for outdoor season both at 70 meters and 50 meters (my official distance as a barebow archer). I shot Undomiel, the 42 lb longbow that the fuzzball built for me once upon a time - the very first longbow he built. It's a very comfortable and reliable longbow, but the small sight window makes it very difficult to really aim properly with my preferred anchor under the chin.

And a few stills... this was at 70 meters with my Predator 800 arrows, which is what I would use for Gator Cup and other 70 meter distances.

And then there were the drills at 50 meters using my wooden arrows to assess the feasibility of actually shooting in the longbow division...

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