Saturday, August 31, 2019

Saturday Strongman Training

With a bit of encouragement from my ride-or-die training buddies, I decided to give the Strongman class a try. As it turned out, the actual instructor wasn't around, but the brain behind the Un-F*** Yourself class took the reins of leadership.  It was rather filthy, as always, but I did get to give myself a challenge outside of my more natural tendencies surrounding Olympic lifts.  The Saturday CrossFit WOD involved an obscene number of power snatches for speed, which I was NOT messing with in the midst of repairing my form, although I could have easily scaled to overhead squats or snatch balances. 

I had massive fun pulling sleds today... along with working on figuring out how to safely handle a sandbag and improving my ability to do a bottoms-up overhead kettlebell carry.  Filming courtesy of one of my fellow Hobbits, A. Gray-Baker.

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