Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Dropping Under Drills: The Epic Continues

So along with some issues with my pulls and raising my elbows, which are starting to resolve a bit after a small modification to my snatch and clean setup and bar path along my legs, I have a tendency to not drop down properly. I seem to be stuck in a perpetual power position (above parallel) before riding it down to kimchee position.

I decided to amuse myself today by watching my movements as a function of weight. The idea is that I'm setting up for a tall power jerk (eventually to become a squat jerk... hopefully in the style of Lu Xiaojun) with the bar already set up at about eye level when I'm at full triple extension. Then, once I'm at full extension, I drop down and lock out and stand the weight up to the best of my abilities. Typically, this is a heavy drill, but I started light, as supervision was a bit scant because the brains behind me working on this was occupied coaching an actual CrossFit class. That being said, the brains still takes the time to make sure I'm NOT going to rack up critical fumbles during quiet times like when the class is occupied with a 500 meter row. I also had a fellow athlete assist me because sometimes, it's a bit hard to reach things!

Besides my general drop drown drills and scarecrows, I now have these to work with in an attempt to develop my Olympic lifts to a higher level beyond scaled CrossFit.

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