Sunday, May 12, 2019

Relief from Horrible People

I did some snatch work on Thursday in an attempt to mitigate the cluster-fudge that would result in the complete ruination of Friday by "people" who unfortunately have too much time of their own to waste and don't understand that others have more important things to do than attend poorly planned nonsensical parties where nobody seems to know how to observe a proper schedule or read a clock.

All snatches below were at 55 lbs.  I still catch relatively high on my snatches, but with the tall snatch drills and snatch balance work, that should be remedied soon... and then there's some issues with the snatch pulls, which are also being addressed.

And then there was some jerk work today after realizing that squats were unlikely to happen due to the risk of an accidental defecation at an inappropriate time and location. First set was at 85 lbs, then the second was at 95 lbs.

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