Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Think Happy Thoughts...

Stress levels have hit the fan again and I found these pictures, which cheer me up immensely. These are 70 meters with 700 spine Carbon Express Predator II on the zebra-wood longbow and me using an Olympic anchor (under the chin). This is really good for me because instead of having to line up the arrow up in the trees somewhere, I'm able to line up somewhere between the top of the target butt and the top of the flag, depending on the head- or tail- wind. The Olympic anchor is also a lot more consistent and I can get a much cleaner release and follow-through with it, but it's not very useful for close-distance shots because of the way my gaps get thrown off.
I'm training for the Gator Cup on the far right target. I think compound archers (like the kids on the left target) do 50 meters but get the inner five rings of the 80 cm targets while recurve archers get the full 122 cm targets at 70 meters.

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