Thursday, February 09, 2012

Fun at 25 Meters on a 60 cm Target Face

The guy on the right, Coach J, with the fancy compound was shooting on the same target as I was at indoor league. For some reason, the target on 7B was unoccupied and we ended up with 2 of us on 7A. Then again, it probably worked for the better given that I had something that gave me some pretty spectacular flatulence that probably would've killed anyone too close behind me.

I shot first and somehow, Coach J was able to get 2 of his arrows between my arrows without causing any damage... completely unintentionally, as he had planned to shoot a tad lower.

And who says that you need to be shooting a high-tech setup worthy of Star Trek to shoot well?

I finished the round with 236/300 with my zebrawood longbow, which is pretty darned good considering I've clocked in quite a few push-ups for the week and a few parts of me are pretty talkative. I still have a lot of work on my release and follow-through as well as stabilizing myself throughout the shot cycle. I have an unfortunate habit of torquing and my release isn't quite as consistently powerfully explosive as I need to be, but it's slowly getting better now that Coach R has identified some of my form issues and gave me some ideas to correct them. Having awesome folks at the gym like Slaughter and my former student also help me, not only with endurance, but also with general stabilization in my core and everything else.

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