I finally was able to get my paws on "Solar", the new Moenia album. Overall, it's an awesome album, very much like the other Moenia albums but also with a sound of its own. To me, it seems to be a more mellow and sad album than their past albums, but very much worthy of listening to and very beautifully done. When I first heard the two singles that have come out so far ("Lo Que Tu Digas" and "Sufre Conmigo"), I had no clue what to expect because the two songs are very different in style -- "Lo Que Tu Digas" is a very energetic, rock-y song while "Sufre Conmigo" is a slower, more ballad-like song. Besides the two singles that have been released of now, the other songs that really leaped out at me were "Me Equivoque" ("I was Mistaken"), "Subete" ("Raise Yourself"), and "Siempre Igual" ("Always Equal"). Part of the appeal Moenia has to me, besides a lead singer whose voice I really like and a wide range of instrumental effects, is that I can actually understand most of the Spanish, aside from a few weird verb conjugations. Also, maybe it's the weird stuff that's been happening in the background, but the lyrics on this album also call out to me, not necessarily for myself, but for all the characters that surround me. I'll let you try to figure this one out, but suffice to say, I may be doing a lot of translation for some of the people around me.
I'll probably write something a bit more coherent once I actually finish up some homework and get my daily exercise in. I just had to empty my brain a bit.
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