Friday, July 26, 2019

Rex Rumble 8 2/n

Forgot to post these in the midst of intense travel, but here they are...

There was WOD 1, which involved maximizing ground to overhead weight moved in five minutes. Once the weight was selected, it couldn't be changed. I chose a 25 lb dumbbell after realizing that I can't snatch enough weight fast enough. 

Then there was WOD 2, which was eight minutes of pain of doing as many rounds as possible of the following: 10 deadlifts, 8 hang power cleans, 6 front squats, 4 shoulder to overheads, and 2 thrusters, all at 65 lbs. 

Then there was WOD 3, which was 8 minutes of the following: 500 meter row, 20 devil presses at 10 lbs, 15 box-overs, 10 goblet squats at 10 lbs, and 5 wall walks.  All I can say is... holy crap!

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