Saturday, August 05, 2017

To Xibalba With It!

Despite the other stuff going on, I was still able to get a touch of time to myself for sanity's sake. How else is one supposed to survive prior to school starting and being semi-forced to put up with perfume demons from the deepest bowels of the Abyss?  Most of my Wolf Pack has gone over to a competition that I unfortunately wasn't able to sign up for and compete in due to nebulous lack of plans on perfume demon visitors, some arbitrary social event that has no logic attached to it, and the nuclear fallout for choosing to take care of myself instead of catering to inane tomfoolery.

And then there were the stills my camera somewhat took of me... Usually I would not have gone in on a Saturday, but it was sufficiently early in the day and my usual happy haunts were unavailable.

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