Friday, July 08, 2016

Barbell Club Fun: Snatches!

I was able to pull a double WOD today.  First was the regularly scheduled WOD, which was as follows:
  - Row 800 meters (weather had me a little concerned for running outdoors)
  - 5 rounds of bare barbell of the following
     - 10 x Good Morning
     - 10 x Push Press
     - 10 x Deadlift
     - 10 x Back Squat
  - Deadlifts 8-6-4-4 reps, building to a heavy 4 rep maximum. I finished at 205 lbs. Another few minutes would have allowed me to reach 215 or even 225 lbs.
  - Crush Games Prelim #2, scaled down... 9 minute AMRAP
    - 9 power snatches
    - 12 burpee box jumps

And then there was the second WOD, which was my barbell training...

 Also... I finally did it! A sub 5 minute 1000 meter row.  Now the trick, should I choose to do the Crush Games preliminary, is to maintain this pace or better for 2000 meters in total as well as get comfortable with 55 lb power snatches in quick succession!

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