Saturday, July 19, 2014

Killer Parakeet: The Next Winnie-the-Pooh?

First off... being sick with a fever is about par with fermented dingleberries garnished with moldy cucumbers... so no real action shots. I do get bored of sleeping and vegetating though! So of course, Killer Parakeet comes to the rescue from the boredom!

Besides the novel, tentatively known as Project Silver Wolf, there's also some Killer Parakeet stories brewing up.  Killer's adventures take place in the same set of worlds as my other stories and many of his friends and/or their descendants do make a good showing in Project Silver Wolf and the other stories revolving around Cylithera the Eternal Huntress. I figure Killer Parakeet won't be as small children friendly as Calvin and Hobbes or Winnie the Pooh or the Velveteen Rabbit but he's got his own niche - I see him as more of a college level character with his excessive flatulence (both ends), questionable eating habits (beans, bacon, bugs, broccoli, cabbage, and potatoes), explosive temper, general parrot-like habits (loves to chew on things and favors dust baths) and a tendency to get intoxicated, usually with beer or mead. Killer is the only character with a known stuffed animal or other thing associated with him, although his perpetual canine companion Rusty was once in existence and is presumed gone. Eventually I may find or create action figures or drawings of Killer's other companions and friends, including Rusty (a wolf-dog with fey blood and more brains than his avian companion), Tindariel Il-Kanan (drunken vigilante who loves to yell "Frontier Justice" and is the parakeet's best friend next to Rusty), Gilrain "Black Swan" Turamarth (the mercenary with many dark secrets), Ilithara N'Shad-Daermon (impulsive dark elven wizard with powers not quite in her control), and Baelnorn Clawstaff (the frail, geriatric Archmage who chooses family over godhood).

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