Thursday, July 17, 2014

Belated News from Yesterday...

... I have a new 1RM on the deadlift. I went from 235 lbs to 250 lbs! I'm only 50 lbs away from my goal of 300 lbs on my deadlift! I was hoping to post it yesterday but internet issues and dealing with someone who frowns upon all things good and holy delayed me a bit. Now if I can get to a 325 lb deadlift, I'm going to be even more ecstatic, as I have a training partner of comparable build to me sitting on a deadlift 1RM of 315 lbs. Said partner also has a bench press 1RM of 350 lbs and a back squat 1RM of 315 lbs.  Now if I can get my bench press and back squat 1RMs past 200 lbs, I will be very happy!

I also did barbell shrugs at 205 lbs for the first time ever yesterday. That wasn't quite as spectacular but I never really went past 135 lbs on that. I think I will be repeating heavy barbell shrugs so I can develop some really nice shoulders and a really nice spot to put the barbell for my back squats, (heaving) snatch balances, and yoke carries!

So far my 1RMs on big lifts are as follows, all units in pounds... goals highlighted and italicized.
Bench Press: 150 225
Back Squat: 180 225
Deadlift: 250 325
Front Squat: 135 185
Push Press: 105 185
Push Jerk: 105 185
Clean (strict): 100 185
Clean & Jerk (strict): 100 185
Snatch (strict): 65 95
Overhead Press (strict): 65 135
Overhead Squat: 85 155 -- This one is an estimated, conservative 1RM based on WODs involving 65-75 lb squats.

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