Sunday, June 30, 2013

Matchplay Shooter of the Year 2013-Jun-29, Compound Style!

I never thought I'd pull this one off but I did. I shot my Bowtech Equalizer at 50 meters on the 6-ring 80 cm target face. I scored every shot. I finished with a 610/720, which is a pretty weak score for most, but pretty good for me considering that my usual style is barebow and that I pretty much have an improvised setup. Stormy conditions didn't really help me too much either, but it was definitely worth a try!

 Shooting the 50 meter target with the individual 6-ring target. The two big targets to the right are 50 meters for the Recurve B division and the three furthest out are the Recurve A targets, which are my usual haunts at 70 meters.
 Feels a little funny shooting something that's shorter than me!
 A slightly clearer shot of the targets...
 Wet, wet, wet with lots of negative evapotranspiration! I can't complain too much about my score given that it was a baseline to see where I can build from, assuming I do continue on this path!
And this is me actually shooting the Bowtech Equalizer! I actually don't need the armguard or the chest protector for this bow. This was *after* all the action once things dried out enough for me to want to pull the camera out.

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