Sunday, September 15, 2013

Khatuna Lorig Workshop

I had an amazing time with 5X Olympian Khatuna Lorig this past weekend. Yeah... I didn't get any work done but it was so darned worth it even if I may end up with nearly 200 parents and/or kids at my throat!

 At the end of the training workshop... I learned that my head moves around waaaay too much and that I really need to anchor a whole lot harder.

 Me and the amazing Khatuna Lorig! I could *probably* take her out on a 1RM dead-lift or squat or push-jerk or even military press, but I'm guessing she'll destroy me in just about everything else!
 Whoa, didn't realize just how much Khatuna's sleeve just glowed! This was the whole group after dinner and the seminar.
 I had a bit of fun with my camera...
And a bit more fun with the camera...

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