Sunday, November 06, 2011

2011 FITA Field

I shot a fairly strong FITA Field round this weekend in Ft. Meade, FL. My first day I did very well on the longer shots (35+ meters) even if the closer shots (under 30) gave me some trouble and the bunnies gave it to me in the rear end. I think I've re-learned how to shoot instinctively after taking it in the rear several times on Saturday, at least if the number of points I picked up is any indication! I shot a personal best today -- 225. My last personal best was a 205 (could've sworn it was a 199 but apparently I did have a 200+ before). Let's see if I can break 250 next year! I had an awesome time with my fellow barebow archers and we zipped through the targets like candy. I forgot how biased FITA Field for barebow was towards the really short shots and I went in slightly unprepared because most of my practice had been in the 35+ meter range, but not many targets were 35+ meters. In any event, I had a lot of fun seeing folks I normally don't see elsewhere.


Setting up... and hopefully I calculated my 20 meter gap correctly...

Nothing like showing who's boss at 50 meters! Now if the closer shots treated me a little more nicely...

Calibration round at 18 meters. I guess my shooting style *is* replicatable. I thought I hit something strange and sure enough, I did hit something... my own arrow!

Ahh, the joys of 45 meters! 2/3 exactly where I wanted them. One kinda strayed off but still landed somewhere fairly nice.

Me and Vivian at the start of the second round while we're killing time until it's time to start...

My awesome group this weekend minus the older gentleman who shot with us on Saturday. Barebows rule!

Day 1... kinda took it in the rear end on the bunny targets and other close shots but did extremely well 40 meters and up.

Day 2... learned from day 1 and gave the bunny targets a beating.

Click on the title to see the rest of the pictures...

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