Friday, November 11, 2011

If I Ever Wanted to Convert any of my Stories into a Musical...

... I think I'd love to have these guys come up with the music because I really love how well they blend elements of classical, rock, and metal with fantasy themes.

I just heard this song today and it's already stuck in my head. Both the song and the imagery are just really catchy for me so I've decided to inflict it on others. Recognize any fairy tales or other children's stories in this?

I gotta admit, this song has influenced a few of my characters' quirks in the current story arc. Then again, my musical preferences and writing are correlated, although there's not necessarily any type of causation.

Speaking of stories, I'm now standing alongside a severely wounded grey wolf who's just personally killed a dangerous creature that looks like a bad cross between a cat, a stereotypical alien, and Gollum (from Lord of the Rings) with only her fangs and wits. I guess I'm also standing alongside an aspiring Olympic archer who witnesses her courageous act and is the only person who recognizes who she really is and tries to protect her from her own extremely wolf-phobic family...

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