Saturday, October 10, 2020

Spider Cup 720 Round

 I took a silver medal against a rather formidable opponent.  I was able to keep up with her through most of the shoot, although I did make a fair number of rookie errors with my sight and even lost the elimination match because I forgot to check to make sure my arrow was sitting on my rest and NOT the plunger button (whoops!) - I probably could have taken that end and pushed it to a single arrow shoot-off. She had the accuracy on me, even if I had a slight edge in precision on her.

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I also have some gratuitous Olympic weightlifting drills given to me by the mad genius himself to  help me develop my balance, core strength, and mobility to become an even stronger archer. Muscle squat snatches, while light, seem to really help me develop both sports as well as provide me with something relaxing to help keep me sane when I can't shoot.

And then there were also some clips from today: practice round, second to last end, and an elimination end, although the production quality was a little questionable.

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