Sunday, October 25, 2020

Prepping for Gator Cup Continued...

 Gator Cup is less than two weeks away!

Yesterday at Easton-Newberry, I began to break in a new finger tab after realizing that my trusty Black Mamba tab had seen better days and probably needs to be replaced soon. This was mostly focusing on 70 meters, and it was quite the day with a mixture of random weird luck, although one of my great mastermind friends also reassured me that all would be well in the long run.  

And then today was at Gator Bowmen, where I focused on consistency of form and got relief from being around too many other humans. I stayed at the 20 yard target, where it was close enough so I didn't have to worry about needing binoculars but far enough not to have any concerns about pass-throughs or destroying any shafts.  

I don't know what kind of shelf fungus this is, but I have tentatively called it Mortalis emeticus-defecatus. I will leave it as an exercise for the reader to figure out what THAT means.  

Even though I have an AMAZING archery coach working with me in archery, it was the voices of a mad genius weightlifting coach and of a chemist with a passion for dancing I kept hearing throughout the day.  And of course, more mosquitoes than I could shake a full case of Raid at!

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