Monday, April 06, 2020

The Grab-Bag of Fitness: Func-Train Style

I have been branching out a bit in my training style, courtesy of two amazing athletes who have provided me with a mix of entertainment, inspiration, and wisdom, although my focus is still on barebow recurve and Olympic weightlifting (under the keen eyes of both J. Philyaw and V. Freeborn).

I have been incorporating different archery drills under the watchful and keen eyes of genius T. Muntyan with the occasional bit of wisdom and insight from B. Garcia, a barebow recurve archer I met about a month ago at Southeastern Sectional.  One of them is the maximal effort hold. Suffice to say, it is NOT very pleasant, but knowing that I can do it when I couldn't do it before has been very comforting. 

And then today at the VERY end of practice with my full set of stabilizers and weights after what can be referred to as the "Death by Hanging" Func-Train I did earlier today...

It wasn't all masochism though. I also had many blank bale rounds with and without the clicker to help me make sure that I'm focusing on full expansion.

There was also the Olympic weightlifting as well. Today was a snatch development day, and I was able to video two post-class drills. There's the snatch push press + paused overhead squat and the challenging power snatch.

The biggest highlight today was slowly overcoming my fear of hanging-type drills, including one that I don't remember who inspired me to attempt it (either C. Duenas or J. Philyaw, equal probability, both have been inspiring me to branch out further, with me also trying to put some pressure on them to run faster), but the drill involved a hanging L-sit and alternating moving my legs.  All I can say is that I don't have anywhere near as much grace and strength as my fellow musician / geek, but I tried! Here's the link to the workout he posted for hanging:

And before I forget, I did get a bit of musical work done as well... "Turn Loose the Mermaids" by Nightwish...

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