Friday, April 10, 2020

Strength and Power Fun

So I've been working on my lifting and a bit of gymnastics (with chiropractor clearance, of course).  The first is a hand-stand wall-walk with a hold, inspired by J. Philyaw's Func-Train series.  Of all the coaches I have had anywhere, he has certainly been the most successful in getting me to overcome my fears as well as getting me to safely test and push my limits.

And then there was a bit of piano work I did with Nightwish's "Last of the Wilds" - still tenative and slow because of the minimal sheet music and trying to improvise, but hoping to clean it up soon and add a little more expression and speed.

Then tonight, I was able to get some of my lifts a little more together under the supervision of V. Freeborn, who may not say very much and is much more of a whole systems type vs a super fine detail type. There were the snatches, which I can be notoriously slow with at times.

And then the clean & jerks, where I have returned to split jerking now that I'm a little more confident in my proprioception as well as needing a little more caution with my shoulders as a recurve archer.

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