Monday, November 06, 2017

Fenrir's Mayhem Skill Stations 1/n

All photographs courtesy of the amazing photographer, L. Tevebaugh.  I am still waiting for additional photographs from others, especially I. Ramirez of Valkyrie Photography. 

Snatchsquatch was my first skill station, and the easiest one of the ones I did.  It was still pretty darned brutal though.  First there was Snatchsquatch rehearsal at 55 lbs...

And then there's the actual 75 lbs of Snatchsquatch... It was quite brutal, but it was doable! Of all the skill stations, this was the one I had the greatest confidence in.  This time last year, this was out of the question, but I was able to do it safely in one shot without any doubts!

And then there were the two cardio events.  The 60 meter shuttle run was pretty rough on me, as I did have my trip-on-my-feet phobia after my little mishap right before Murph.  My conclusion: I can run in a straight line and hold my speed. Sudden accelerations and decelerations and I don't mix, especially if I have any uncertainty about my terrain.

And then there was the 500 meter row. Mistake 1: I started WAAAAY too fast.  Mistake 2: I didn't use the bathroom prior. I still got it... barely.  This one I knew was a tough one for me and somewhat unlikely given that even my best rehearsals usually put me at 2:06-2:08 and the cutoff was 2:05. Thank goodness for judges D. Ruse and A. Dempsey for pushing me onwards and NOT letting me quit even though I had a bad leg cramp halfway in and nearly vomited several times!

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