Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Fenrir's Mayhem 4 - Installation 3/n: Early Events

I definitely need to continue to watch my eating habits! Thank you Luke Tevebaugh of LTevebaugh Photography for these amazing pictures!

Yes, that was a 240 lb deadlift for the scaled female division. No, I didn't attempt the 285 lb deadlift for Rx female. I was tempted to try it, but decided that I needed to conserve energy for the primary WODs.

These were my hammer strikes from the Fall of Hrurgnir WOD, which was an 8 minute AMRAP of 10 burpee pull-ups and 20 hammer strikes.

All of these pictures were from the Rage of the Berserkers WOD, which was a chipper WOD with a 15 minute time cap. It consisted of 40 deadlifts at 65 lbs, disassemble barbell and run 200 meters with it, reassemble barbell and do 30 power cleans at 65 lbs, disassemble barbell and run 200 meters with it, reassemble barbell and do 20 shoulder to overheads (push jerks for me) at 65 lbs, disassemble barbell and run 200 meters, then 10 power snatches at 65 lbs. I ran out of time on the final lap... which was probably good for me considering 65 lbs is uncomfortably close to my 1RM on a snatch!

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