This bow does NOT fit me at all. I love the mass weight and the smoothness but the angle of the string and the position of the sight do not work for me without putting my head in a slightly awkward position. Theoretically the tip of my nose is supposed to be touching the string and there should be another contact point by the corner of my mouth, but I don't see THAT happening very comfortably. The side of my nose has given me much better results. Nonetheless, it's a really cool bow that feels more like a 20 lb bow instead of a 36 lb bow. It belongs to the assistant coach at Newberry, who's an insanely tall skinny guy whose facial features are a little better suited for that style of shooting. I'd love to be that tall with a 33.5" draw length! Aside from the awkward head position and the longbow-style grip I use on just about any bow, though most of my form is pretty good for an Olympic recurve. I don't like the anchoring under the chin too much but I think that can change... if anyone can ever pry the longbow out of my hand long enough for me to stay with a recurve! If I were ever to get an Olympic recurve, it would be a 64" or a 66" (what most people my size seem to favor) instead of a 72" like the one I was playing with.
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