Saturday, April 18, 2009

What... The... Frequency...?!

Who the heck is evil or idiotic enough to schedule some massive maniac get-together (read: American football game on campus with those glorified over-sized gully dwarves who get more scholarship funding than most grad students can even dream of) so close to finals?! I'm already ticked off as it is when I had to put up with people getting excited over divine zombies and coprophagous lagomorphs and hideous pastels last weekend, but why the hell with an INTRA-MURAL American football game?! Why would THAT attract O(50k) people on campus and disrupt people trying to get work done!? It's enough that I hate sticking around town over the weekend during deer hunting season, why also have a @#$%&@ spring game right before finals?! I guess that's the down-side of being on a big jock campus.

In the meanwhile... back to CART (which I can't get for my own computer and am stuck using a campus computer) now that I'm done expressing my absolute disgust at the horrific traffic here in town and in/around campus as well as the excessive noise.

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