We just got some footage of WOD 2, where my partner and I were doing synchronized power snatches.
The (mis)adventures and thoughts of an aspiring master archer, lifter, and fantasy author who happens to be irresistibly drawn towards wolves, raptors, and parrots. They may say there's no such thing as Paradise or Perfection, yet I'm still searching for them. Why do I keep searching? A voice speaks to me and says: "Search for Paradise and aspire for Perfection"...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Members' Mayhem Fun
So I partnered up with someone other than my usual folks, but all I can say is she rose up to the occasion and kept me alive even if she gives me all the credit for eating most of the burpees in WOD 3.
Also, two clips from WOD 3 aka 7 minutes to get our individual sleds 200 meters and then finish out the rest of our time to maximize burpees.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Olympic Recurve Fun
Part of my multiple tools for addressing form issues includes the full Olympic setup on Anduril. I did have some issues with consistent anchor and release. I also have some issues with collapse, but I think it was more from fatigue, courtesy of this morning's WOD of death, which involved extreme volumes of both snatches and ring rows.
And apparently I am starting to look the part too!
And a gratuitous picture from filming some clean pulls to address some form concerns...