Monday, May 28, 2018

Murph 2018!

More pictures will be arriving I'm sure, but here are the ones I have accumulated thus far.  This was a very difficult and daunting workout - 1 mile run, 300 air squats, 200 push-ups, 100 pull-ups, and another mile run, with appropriate scaling as needed.  I didn't have a weighted vest, but it was brutal enough without one! 

I didn't do all the math yet, but my overall completion time was 61:40, which is pretty solid for me. My initial run was just shy of 9 minutes, and it was pretty comfortable - deliberately took my time and held back knowing what was ahead of me.  The "meat" of the workout was partitioned into a 5-10-15 scheme (5 ring rows, 10 pushups, and 15 air squats) to minimize my downtime, and for the most part, I was complete my 20 rounds either unbroken or really close to it.  The second mile was much worse because of a significant muscle cramp combined with a mild plantar fasciitis flare-up, but I completed it!

Part of my crew that worked out in my vicinity and kept me moving forward when I was entertaining thoughts of curling up into a little ball next to the toilet. 

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