Sunday, April 23, 2017

Snatch Checkup and More

Working on eliminating my tendency to hitch on my snatch as I transition from the first pull (below the knee) to the second pull (above the knee when I'm supposed to explode into triple extension)... as well as working on catching lower. This was only 45 lbs.

And then some bonus footage from Member's Mayhem... snatch, think it was 55 lbs.

Then there was the Regional Qualifier to see who's going on to the CrossFit Nationals... one of our Masters' 35-39 athletes in action with 21-15-9 of 95 lb push presses and chest to bar pull-ups

Killer Parakeet also makes a little showing. He actually got a break from dungeon crawling and destroying things.  Beethoven is over his head, but he's pretty competent with the camera!

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