Sunday, August 03, 2014

Some More Bonding with Camera

The Firewolf is slowly getting the hang of using the timer and other cool features on her new camera. I'm also working on playing with camera angles just for the fun of it. After all, my tripod is bold and fearless!

 And then there was the little side trip during the storm to the Florida Natural History Museum, where they had the Wolf to Woof exhibit. I have a real soft spot for wolves, so of course I was going to investigate this! Besides wolves and dogs, I also got to see foxes (lots of them!), coyotes, jackals, and other types of wild canids.

 Bush dogs are rather funny looking little canines but I sure as heck don't want to tangle with one!
 Maned wolves remind me more of unusually long-legged foxes than anything else.
 Another of the South American canids, the crab-eating fox is another interesting little critter to look at!

 Domesticated foxes, anyone? These are the result of an experiment in Russia where the foxes with the least fear and aggression towards humans were bred. The result? Floppier ears, multiple colors or general coloration seldom seen in the wild, and a more puppy-like look as a whole.

 Coyotes, anyone?

 Channel Island Fox, anyone? These guys are incredibly tiny, critically endangered, and incredibly cute. Looking at their skulls in a mammalogy class I took once upon a time made me realize just how darned small they are too!

 Grey fox (Urocyon cineroargentis) is the only canine that's really proficient at climbing trees. This being said, I would be thoroughly amused if one ever decided to share a tree-stand with me, although I seriously doubt it'll ever happen.

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