Thursday, April 03, 2014

Prowler Fun!

Today's WOD: 20 minutes of practice on building up to toes-to-bars which was basically me flailing around trying to figure out how to kip and get my knees to my chest in proper rhythm. And then our Metcon was 3 rounds for time of : 100 meter 75# prowler push, 6 hand-stand push-ups (or in my case, on the box so I'm not fully upside down to avoid puking), 9 75# power cleans, and 12 knees-to-chest.  Completed in 18:30... which was pretty slow but I also held back a lot on the prowler push because it was hot and I didn't want to have to get scraped off the pavement.

Post-WOD silliness after frying my legs and my butt... total weight of this setup is only 75 lbs. One day I'll Rx it at 115 lbs!

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