Saturday, March 15, 2014

Day 1 at 70 meters...

Today was my very first day shooting 70 meters with the recurve. Let's just say I can't get my sight down far enough to actually have a spot-on mark for 70 meters so I've been forced to shoot gap. I can't quite move my sight any further in without interfering with my sight-mounted clicker, so for now, I'm stuck...

My first attempt extrapolating where I bottomed out the sight and lined it up on the top of the housing for the target butt. This was after my initial shot spot-on where I was significantly under the paper, about 75 cm, so I knew to raise my aim approximately that much. This was the result of my initial guess. Ok, but not quite good enough...

This was after I raised the sight a few clicks after realizing that straight gapping wasn't going to work very well because of the way my eyes work. When my form is actually good and consistent, this is what I'm capable of combining sight adjustments and gap-shooting. Now if I can actually do some tweaks to actually be able to aim spot-on...

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