Friday, October 28, 2011

One Annoyed Spider

One of my fellow archers and I were calibrating our shots at 60 and 65 yards in preparation for the upcoming field shoot on Sunday at Gator Bowmen and we were both fumbling around quite a bit. My first end at 65 yards led to a spider narrowly missed being impaled. The spider was on my arrow shaft and it looked like it was trying to decide whether to wrap it up in silk or to bite the crap out of it or both. Yeah... I pretty much did the equivalent of using a battering ram on someone's living room window to that spider's web.

In other news, this song has been stuck in my mind -- Ciaran's Well by Tarja Turunen:

For some reason listening to that song gives me a weird combination of fiction-writing inspiration and a stronger drive to really pump that iron or do those push-ups and sit-ups. I really love her vocal style in this song (and in many of her other songs both in her solo career and in her Nightwish days).

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