Sunday, March 06, 2022

NFAA Southeast Sectional Indoors 2022 1/n

First, I want to give shout-outs to T. Muntyan for providing me with solid cues to enhance my shooting and encouraging me ever onwards as well as to D. Marrero and A. Johnson for helping me build the foundation for a strong mental game as well as fine-tuning things based on my brain's unique quirks.  It was a pretty solid shoot. Day 1 was a bit rough with me continuing to incorporate some minor changes and getting used to being effectively blind, but I came back strong on Day 2.

Day 1 was a 238/300.

And then day 2, where I shot a 257/300.

The second place was from an event I did back in December with East River High school, where I also earned my blue USA Archery pin. Here's to breaking 265 on my next 30 arrow USA Archery indoor round!

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