Monday, May 25, 2020

Murph 2020!

I completed Murph 2020 despite my Baker cyst giving me some issues.  In place of the 1 mile run, which is normally a trivial activity for me, was a 1600ish meter ski on the Ski-Erg (read: torture device). To handle the squats, one of my coaches had me substituting a kettlebell sumo deadlift to still give my legs something to do.  So here's what my Murph looked like, which I completed in 51:01, a bit fast for me:

1600 meter ski erg
20 rounds of {
  5 banded pull-ups
  10 strict push-ups
  15 KB sumo deadlift at 53 lbs

I was missing my fellow Hobbit, but we did recruit a youngster to fill in the gap...

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