Saturday, December 24, 2016

More From Last Weekend Plus Twelve Days of DOOM

First... today's WOD: 12 Days of Christmas, which can be summarized as this... 100 meter run, 2 power snatches, 3 muscle us, 4 thrusters, 5 burpees, 6 toes to bars, 7 pull ups, 8 kettlebell swings, 9 wall balls, 10 handstand pushups, 11 ground to overheads, and 12 man-makers.  Obviously, my partner and I had to scale down, as neither of us could do some of the Rx movements. Running? No problem! Snatches? Dropped to 45 lbs. Muscle-ups turned into assisted ring dips. Thrusters dropped to 45 lbs and I ended up taking all the thrusters, leaving my partner with all the burpees.  I think 4 thrusters for 5 burpees was a pretty fair trade! Toes to bars turned into variant sit-ups, pull-ups turned into ring rows, and handstand pushups turned into standard pushups.  So yeah... we scaled it down quite a bit.

And then there were the extra pictures from our travels last weekend... which included more from the Orlando Eye and lunch at Bubba Gump's Shrimp...

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