Sunday, January 31, 2016

Members' Mayhem VI, Installation 2/n

More pictures have been posted, courtesy of Isabelle Victoria Photography. She is an amazing photographer and athlete, especially when it comes to Olympic lifts! She caught me in a lot of my overhead squats as well as a few other odds and ends. I'm just hoping someone DID catch me on my 95 lb hang-power clean & jerk!

Top of a snatch to get the bar into a good overhead position. It's only 35 lbs, but when I'm trying to get increasing reps in 3 minutes, that weight certainly hits hard!

 Ring row. My form isn't particularly good, but I think it was also towards the end of my set and my core is *fried*, plus I went a little too far out.

WOD 3: The 350 meter row to begin a simulated Viking raid to avenge myself...
 And the wall ball thruster at only 20 lbs, but still a good challenge after getting nicely gassed on the rower.
 And then the 10 lb ball slam to simulate bashing down a wall or bashing in some skulls...

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