Saturday, December 31, 2016

Pre Twelve Days of DOOM Group Picture and Happy New Year's Eve

Bit of a delayed post courtesy of a delay in obtaining the picture from Valkyrie Photography, but very much worth the wait.  One of these days, I'll be able to pull off a good muscle-up... but first, I need to do basic pull-ups and build into decent beat swings and kipping movements!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

First Broken Callus

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! This happened while working on strict pull-ups and beat swings (not even near kipping yet).  All I can say is... beat swings are tough!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Herping Success

I'm not certain what species this was, but I knew it was non-venomous. It was a very calm, mellow snake that let me approach it, although I dared not touch it.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

More From Last Weekend Plus Twelve Days of DOOM

First... today's WOD: 12 Days of Christmas, which can be summarized as this... 100 meter run, 2 power snatches, 3 muscle us, 4 thrusters, 5 burpees, 6 toes to bars, 7 pull ups, 8 kettlebell swings, 9 wall balls, 10 handstand pushups, 11 ground to overheads, and 12 man-makers.  Obviously, my partner and I had to scale down, as neither of us could do some of the Rx movements. Running? No problem! Snatches? Dropped to 45 lbs. Muscle-ups turned into assisted ring dips. Thrusters dropped to 45 lbs and I ended up taking all the thrusters, leaving my partner with all the burpees.  I think 4 thrusters for 5 burpees was a pretty fair trade! Toes to bars turned into variant sit-ups, pull-ups turned into ring rows, and handstand pushups turned into standard pushups.  So yeah... we scaled it down quite a bit.

And then there were the extra pictures from our travels last weekend... which included more from the Orlando Eye and lunch at Bubba Gump's Shrimp...

Monday, December 19, 2016

The Orlando Eye and More

My camera's SD card decided to take a massive dump, losing almost all of my really good pictures from the wax museum adjoining the Orlando Eye, including one of my chambered up to deliver a good side kick alongside a wax dummy of Jackie Chan.  I also had a few nice pictures of some of the little pipers or plovers that didn't survive my attempt to restore the pictures.

Here's what survived, either from my camera, the furpet's camera, or from other sources...

And then there was the journey to Daytona Beach to attempt to watch the Atlas launch on Sunday. That was when my camera and the SD card malfunctioned in the worst possible way, but seeing the little red and silver flashes were worth it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

An Instant of Fame

Thank goodness they caught me at a decent time instead of me looking for a change of undies! Let's see if you can find me in the video... hint: it involves a snatch!

Sunday, December 04, 2016

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round...

I'm sure there will be more pictures arriving because I saw I. Ramirez of Valkyrie Photography wielding her Omniscient Camera of Life Capture.  We did get a few pictures post-WOD.  The WOD itself, designed by none other than up and rising coach A. Ford, was as follows:

And then here were our post-WOD pictures, at least of a small subset of us...

 Above: Me and my partner and fellow Hobbit after the WOD.  I think we both looked a little run over after this one!

Above: Friday evening's Snatch Club who had survived a week of thrusters, snatches, clean & jerks, and more together.  I think we should get a picture with our barbell coach and call the picture "The Snatch Harem" or something like that... 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving WOD Group Picture

Nothing like a good Thanksgiving WOD for some stress relief!

The WOD preceding this photograph is below. It was one heck of a WOD with a wide range of options.  I was happiest at the barbell station, where I could deadlift, front squat, power clean, and do various flavors of shoulder to overhead. Most of my barbell work turned out to be deadlift, as 65 lbs barely registers for me.  The gymnastics movements were a little more brutal without a respiratory system.


Friday, November 25, 2016

Wanderlust: Serpentine SSP Flavored

Sometimes, the best thing is to just let the wind guide me...