Wednesday, May 22, 2013

USIAC 2013... A Tale of Random Luck

Full suite of pictures here.

 The deadly trio of female barebow medalists. Wow, I'm the ogre among the three at least in build. I could probably tackle (or dead-lift or maybe even do a single push-press or a bench press) them if I wanted to...
 I really, really need to watch my eating habits and increase my physical activity a whole lot more... and I could work a lot on my form as well. I'm definitely going to have to hit the weights and WODs much more aggressively to get rid of all that blubber!

 Yes, I take a lot longer to shoot than my little apprentice...
 Whew... yeah... definitely could use a lot more CrossFit training and optimizing my nutrition even better. Heck, I should probably train like a body-builder as well to really get some real muscle in there!
 Team round with a pick-up team from University of Texas and Georgia Tech University. I think those academic hit-miss targets are a lot of fun!
Hit or miss? I actually liked going last of the three of us because I can either go snap-shooting if the first two are a bit slow or actually focus on a strong shot if the first two team-mates are fairly quick. Luckily my team-mates were pretty quick and gave me 45-55 seconds to get my two shots off.
I exploded! A really strong explosion in my back will often send my bow to the left as pinch my shoulder-blades further into my spine. Still trying to determine whether this style of release is better or if I should go for a uni-lateral "explosion" and my bow-arm scapula moving away from my spine.
I scored one of our points!

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