Sunday, January 13, 2013


 Piglets in a nest. They're incredibly soft and fuzzy and this is by far the cutest stage of their lives.
 The piglets are certainly curious about the funny-looking blob with a flash camera!
 Second of two hogs I took with my .243. I thought it was on the order of 45-50 kgs. It was actually about 87 kg. Yikes! It didn't look THAT big when I shot it!
The first of the two hogs I took. I was expecting it to be on the order of 35 kgs. It was more 45 kgs. It looked pretty small but I guess they are indeed larger than they appear!

R had taken me out to Tiger Island Outfitters to do some hog-hunting as a belated birthday present. It's not too far from Cedar Key and it was a very pleasant morning aside from some of these itty-bitty biting bugs that weren't exactly visible. They call those little buggers no-see-'ums. I can see why. Let's just say I now have a nice freezer full of good wild pork!

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