Friday, August 05, 2011

Fun with an Olympic Recurve

66" Hoyt Nexus recurve that I borrowed from Coach Rob to test-shoot. It feels pretty good even though it is slightly on the long side. I also forgot to put the plunger in but it shot fine without one.

Me at about full draw with the Hoyt Nexus. I think I got most of my form right, although I still have a bit of trouble keeping my head consistently aligned. Note to self: test-shooting Olympic recurves immediately after a boot-camp style circuit training class does NOT feel very good...

The other bow (well, riser at any rate) that I test-shot and liked. This is a Hoyt Horizon, also a 25" riser like the Nexus... also used short limbs for a 66" bow. Both Coach Rob and Coach Bob recommend that I go with the 23" riser for a 64" bow for a little more punch, although I know the folks in Chula Vista recommend the 25" riser for a 66" bow for more stability. We'll see what the future holds, but for now, my longbow is pretty darned secure, as is my little shorty 58" recurve.

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