Monday, February 18, 2019

Silver River Flint Knap-In 2019

Aside from severe boogers, coughing, and all-around itchiness that required heavy antihistamine and decongestant intervention, it was definitely worth at least checking out. Unfortunately, travelling with someone who enjoys a little too much local gossip about relatives' mating habits and offspring did make things a little more difficult to handle. The tram ride about water quality, though, was well worth listening to, as well as the talk about ecological archaeology.  I just don't get why people would find the need to gossip excessively about relatives with people they already socialize with on a very frequent basis.

Killer Parakeet at Work: CrossFit Judges Course 2019

I'm officially registered both to compete in the CrossFit Open as well as judge it! The gymnastics movements, particularly muscle-ups, are especially tough to judge, even if the barbell movements are very straightforward!

Saturday, February 02, 2019

Hoggetowne Part 2

I befriended a female peregrine falcon today! I think she was more talkative than the scarlet macaw today, but she was friendly enough. That being said, I know better than to attempt a bird that can easily send me to the ER without it "asking" me to do so! Peregrine falcons are truly magnificent raptors, and when I had requested a falcon, I was actually expecting an American Kestrel.