Saturday, September 17, 2016

All the Pretty Things

Today's WOD was known as "All the Pretty Things" which consisted of the following high-profile benchmark WODS: Obviously, my team and I had to scale things down. 

Fran - 21-15-9 of Thrusters and Pull-Ups (95/65).  We had to use ring rows, and I had to do 15 lb thrusters with the bare bar. 

Isabel - 30 Snatches (75/55). I dropped the weight down to 15 lb bare bar. 

Annie - 50-40-30-20-10 of Double Unders and Situps.  The double-unders became double the single unders. 

Elizabeth - 21-15-9 of Cleans (135/95) and Ring Dips.  I had to use the 15 lb bare bar and do wall push-ups instead. 

Nasty Girls- 3 rounds of 50 Air Squats, 7 Muscle Ups, and 10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95). The ring muscle ups became 2 ring rows and 2 wall pushups, becoming 14 ring rows and 14 wall pushups and the hang power cleans were with the 15 lb bare bar. 

And speaking of pretty things, I have had to come up with a prototype for a whimsical and borderline silly Andy Warhol inspired art piece for my 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. This is the pencil sketch prior to outlining and coloring.